Thursday, December 10, 2015

Barn Owl activity

Suppose that you discover that a farmer’s barn has an owl living in it. The owl is full grown, and weighs about 2 kg. It lives entirely on small animals which in turn feed on grain stored in the barn. How much acreage of grain is required to keep this barn owl fed? 

As stated above, Barn Owl weighs 2kg. I searched on google and I was able to find that Barn owls eat about 2/3 of their weight per day. They eats voles. It will be about 474,500 g a year. For the calculation, I set voles' weight as a 30 g and it will be 15,817 voles per year.  Voles eat grain about their body weight per day, so they eat 10,950 g of grain a year. An acre of wheat equals 3,000 kg of grain approximately. 1 vole eats about 11kg per year, so 15,817 vole eat 173,987 kg of grains. To raise 173,987 kg of grains, we need 58 acre of grain.


Monday, November 30, 2015

Depicting an Energy System Activity

In class, we created a drawing that depicts how energy gets from the sun to an eagle in mid-flight. To show the process of how energy gets from the sun to an eagle, we draw sun, grass, trees, insect, squirrel, and eagle. Also we showed different types of energy. From sun to grass, chemical bond will happen during photosynthesis. Insects will consume those grass. Squirrels will eat those little insects and also acorn from the trees. Eagle will consume those squirrels. As we draw, eagle's physical position is in the air, so we can find potential energy from that. Also, eagle is flying, so we can find kinetic energy from eagle too.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Final Project

Almost everybody has heard of the first, some might have read about the second somewhere, but not many remember the last. 

Three Mile Island was a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, providing the electricity for many Americans after World War II. In 1979, however, due to mismanagement and faulty equipment, an accident occurred, leading to a partial meltdown of the reactor and the release of radioactive gases too small to have caused any damage. Chernobyl, however, was far worse. The same reasons were to blame for the disaster in Chernobyl in former Russia that caused the deaths of hundreds in the blast and hundreds of thousands in the years to come. Inhabitants in the area developed thyroid and other forms of cancer from having come in contact with the radioactive gases emitted after the blast. The water, soil, and air in Chernobyl are still unsafe, and scientists predict that it will take another hundred years for the region to get rid of the remnants of the contaminants. Fukushima, though not as deadly to the people, was as disastrous to the environment. The nuclear accident here was not caused by human error or faulty machinery but an earthquake and tsunami that due to emissions of radioactive particles led to the establishment of a 20 km exclusion zone around the power plant along with the eventual evacuation of residents within the area. Scientists and researchers came to realize that nuclear accidents could occur at any moment beyond our control and power. 

While there are many people concerned about nuclear accidents as a potential major threat to human life and the environment, the same people are not as well versed in the dangers that nuclear waste poses for us and for future citizens of the planet. In 2011 all the people heard and talked about the big event in the news media: Fukushima. Not as many, however, heard or were as concerned about where all the nuclear waste, produced by such power plants as the one in Fukushima, was going. And, for the most part, it wasn’t – and still isn’t – going anywhere. Many people throughout France, Japan, and especially America – three of the biggest producers of nuclear energy – take the “Not In My Backyard” as an attitude and slogan in their strong protests against the government that has tried to find ways to dump the accumulating waste somewhere. In 2002 President George W. Bush tried to push for the construction of a nuclear waste storage facility in the Yucca Mountains in Nevada, many miles away from civilization, but the people living in Las Vegas, one-hundred miles away, protested strongly, and in 2010 President Obama stated that he would try to halt the process due to concerns about earthquakes and especially groundwater flow in the area that could penetrate the vault and allow the waste to seep through and escape. If nobody wants the nuclear waste buried in their backyards, then what is to be done with it? Should the plants keep on accumulating the waste until better technology in the future affords us a chance? Nobody today approves of the waste put into barrels and thrown deep under the sea, a common practice, for example, among the British decades past. 

Nuclear waste can take many forms – gas, liquid, and solid – and is a toxic remnant of nuclear energy production. It is the material that nuclear fuel becomes after it is used in a reactor. Although it looks exactly like the fuel that was loaded into the reactor, the contents are not quite the same. Before energy was produced, the fuel was mostly uranium, oxygen, and steel; afterward, many of the uranium atoms have split into various isotopes of almost all of the transition metals on the periodic table of elements. Sometimes called spent fuel, nuclear waste is dangerously radioactive and remains so for thousands of years; depending on the impact of the blast, it could remain in the soil, water, and air for one-hundred thousand years, about as long as modern human beings have been on the planet according to some estimates. When the waste first comes out of the reactor, it is so toxic that if we stood within a few meters while the waste was unshielded, we would receive a lethal radioactive dose within a few seconds, leading to acute radiation sickness and death within a few days. Now, we can temporarily suspend its potential deadly effects by keeping it (always shielded) underwater for a few years until the radiation decays to levels established to be safe by the nuclear physicists; all of these scientists agree that water is an excellent shield. Afterward, large storage casks made out of concrete are used to house the waste, or it can be transformed into glass, which is sealed inside stainless-steel containers. The “resting place” for the waste is the next step, which is what the controversy is all about. The now transformed waste can either be stored in underground tanks, silos, or “laid to rest” very deeply and far below the surface of the Earth for at least 10,000 years at sites approved by the government, such as the Yucca Mountains in Nevada. 

What has just been described refers to high-level waste or HLW. This type is the most dangerous, posing the biggest problem, causing public controversy and outcry. There is also low-level and intermediate-level waste. Low-level waste, often coming from hospitals and laboratories, can be compacted, incinerated, and buried under the earth causing only negligible damage; it can also be stored at the site in which it was created. Intermediate-level waste, such as reactor components and chemicals, are more radioactive, so more care is needed for its disposal. It can be made into solid form (concrete) and buried deeply underground. High-level waste makes up only a small fraction of all nuclear waste but accounts for 95 percent of the radioactivity given off by nuclear waste. That’s why it’s extremely dangerous and must be dealt with in the most delicate fashion. 

So what is all the controversy surrounding the disposal and storage of nuclear waste? As mentioned earlier, as a result of contact with these deadly radioactive elements, we can experience long-term damage to our health, such as cancer and cell mutation; as a hereditary disease, it can be passed down from one generation to the next, causing future thousands of children whose parents were affected to suffer horrendously and eventually die in pain. Another major concern has to do with high-level waste (HLW). Because HLW comes from spent fuel that is highly radioactive and extremely hot, it has to be cooled producing even more waste. For example, in Fukushima silos used to store the toxic water were leaking, leading some of the scientists working there to consider releasing hundreds of tons of the water to the Pacific Ocean simply because “[s]toring massive amounts of water on-site is not sustainable,” according to Dale Klein, a former chairman of the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission now leading the nuclear reform committee in Fukushima. Lots of water is necessary for the cooling-down of the spent fuel. Also, although HLW seems to be just a small fraction of the total nuclear waste, this does not mean that there is not a lot of it. An average nuclear power plant produces about 27 tons of spent fuel every year. 12,000 tons of HLW is produced worldwide every year. If something goes wrong in the way of leakage in one of the underground storage sites or a meltdown in the power plant, which still stores a lot of these HLWs because nobody wants them, then the harm it can produce to us and the future inhabitants of the world for the next one-hundred thousand years can be cataclysmic and immense. 

Patsy T. Mink, Congresswoman from Hawaii, wrote journal in Fordham Environmental Law Review entitled Nuclear Waste: The Most Compelling Environmental Issue Facing the World Today stating: 

A solution must be found for this environmental hazard. We’ve poisoned the earth, not just for our children or our grandchildren, but for thousands of years to come. How can we dispose of something that will exist in a hazardous state for over 100,000 years? Although we have no place to put it, we continue to produce nuclear waste in copious amounts. When do we stop? How many rivers need to be poisoned? How many animals have to be destroyed? How many crippled and deformed children need to be born? How many people have to die before we decide to stop producing nuclear waste and start disposing of it? ... Solutions to the nuclear waste disposal problem are not self-evident, but we must invest as much intellectual, scientific, and political effort in finding solutions as we invested in creating the problem during the Cold War and arms race. 

Humankind created nuclear energy and used it in the most devastating fashion in the form of the atom bomb during the end of World War II to stop the military power of Japan, leading to the arms race between Soviet Russia and the United States with each harnessing the power of nuclear fission basically to harm others and maintain political power over the world. Today nuclear energy has been used to provide electricity to the billions of people throughout the world, helping to reduce the release of carbons from fossil fuels. Ms. Mink, however, seems to be telling us that nuclear energy and nuclear waste go hand in hand and that ultimately nuclear energy does much more harm than good throughout the world. Recently, thorium has been used in scientific research and in nuclear reactors with promising results as a safer, less radiotoxic counterpart to uranium. However, the kind of “solution” that Ms. Mink is looking for is more expansive and radical. Nuclear waste is “the most compelling environmental issue” because its impact is incredibly long and permanent. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Nature Observation

It was warm day. There was no clouds. I was able to observe bunch of crows circling above me. Except some of the trees, most of them lost their leaves. Even though sunshine was strong, breeze was cool. I was able to hear the sound of kids over the trees and sound of many different kinds of birds.

Global Climate Change Evidence and Causes

The definition of climate is the whether conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. When there is a change after a long period of a time, it is called climate change. The reason why we need to study about these is that it helps us to understand what causes the changes. Also, it allows us to prepare for any natural hazard or extreme changes that can be predicted.
Recently, the world is getting warmer. According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard institute for space studies, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8 degrees celsius since 1880.
Co2 is greenhouse gas. It absorbs energy from the sun and releases it back into the atmosphere. If the Co2 level increases, it will absorbs more energy from the sun and releases it back into the atmosphere. This gas cause greenhouse effect and it keeps the earth warmer and eventually temperature will increase. Even thought it is slight change, this slight change of global temperature causes huge differences within nature. One of the causes of Greenhouse effect, which is Co2 level, started to increase from the industrial revolution. It is good achieve improvement, but people need to aware that over use of technology can cause destruction of nature and destroy the balance.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Global Climate Change Activity 2

Part 1:

Can you explain to your classmate why temperatures from only a single year are not enough to reach a conclusion about changing climate? Use Figure 1.1 to construct your argument, noting when El Niño events occur, but also which years have the highest temperatures. How has the average annual temperature shifted through time? How do the temperatures in the El Niño years compare to the 1950–1970 average? To the 1985–2005 average?

Changes in weather do affect climate over long periods of time. On the first graph provided, which maps average temperatures in the U.S. from 1950-1970 along with El Nino years, El Nino events are collectively lower than the El Nino events in the second graph, which has the same information dated from 1985-2005. And in the second graph, the average temperature is noticeably higher and El Nino events occur much more often. This proves that the more frequent the El Nino events happen, and the more extreme they are, the more they can noticeably impact a climate. So that classmate is wrong.

Part 2:


  1. CO2 levels are increasing at an accelerating rate from decade to decade.
2. a) I would exaggerate the changes by changing the vertical scale.
   b) I would obscure the changes by changing the horizontal scale.
3. Industrial Revolution
4. The graph shows that the rate of CO2 levels is increasing at accelerating speed. It implies that if we don't reduce CO2 emissions, the CO2 levels are likely to be rise exponentially.

Part 3:

# of Students
Miles to and from school
Total miles driven by all students living near that stop

  1. 5.4 miles
  2. 135 miles
  3. 675 miles
3. 30.7 gal
4. 595.2 lb
5. 0.2976 tons
6. 9.2 miles
7. 0.368 miles/student
8. 65.7 mpg/week
9. 1274.9 lb
10. 0.637 tons
11. 2.339 tons

Part 4:

  1. The X axis is the years from 0 to 2000 and the Y axis the differences from 1961-1990 average temperature in celsius.
  2. The zero on the Y axis is the average temperature from 1961-1990.
  3. It is a good baseline because the period of time from 1961-1990 is a time of extreme temperature change so the fluctuation is very evident on the chart
  4. Do on the packet
  5. The lowest temperature is around year 1600 and the highest temperature is in 2000
  6. The coldest temperature in the blue is much colder than the coldest in the red but the warmest blue temperature is fairly similar to the highest red temperature.
  7. It slowly Increases as the years continue
  8. The impact of a climate just one degree celsius warmer by 2100 will have serious impacts on agriculture and coastal regions around the world. It will raise sea levels, hasten extinctions, and impact food production.

Global Climate Change Activity

      For the part one, we learned that Temperatures from only one year are not enough to determine the climate of the region because climate is the average weather conditions determined by decades of years. Scientist often defines climate change as a significant "long term" change in the weather pattern of a certain area. It is difficult to find any change in the weather pattern by looking at the temperatures from just one year.
     For the part two, we made table and graph of CO2 level. I was able to observe that CO2 level was increasing at accelerating rate from decade to decade. Also, I learned that even small changes of CO2 level can affect to environment a lot.
     For the part three, we used map to calculate the distance from the school of each stop and find out the difference if every student drive to the school instead of taking school bus. Obviously it will increase the CO2 level because there are more vehicles. 
     In part four, authors shows again that even small changes in environment can cause huge differences. We learned in this part that temperature can raise sea level up. This one degree of sea level, seems small to us, can affect a lot on agriculture and extinction.

Nuclear Wastes / Accidents Brief

     Nuclear waste is the material that nuclear fuel becomes after it is used in a reactor. It looks exactly like the fuel that was loaded into the reactor, assemblies of metal rods enclosing stacked-up ceramic pellets. But since nuclear reactions have occurred, the contents aren’t quite the same. Before producing power, the fuel was mostly Uranium, oxygen, and steel. Afterwards, many Uranium atoms have split into various isotopes of almost all of the transition metals on your periodic table of the elements. The waste, sometimes called spent fuel, is dangerously radioactive, and remains so for thousands of years. When it first comes out of the reactor, it is so toxic that if you stood within a few meters of it while it was unshielded, you would receive a lethal radioactive dose within a few seconds and would die of acute radiation sickness within a few days. The spent fuel is never unshielded. It is kept underwater (water is an excellent shield) for a few years until the radiation decays to levels that can be shielded by concrete in large storage casks. The final disposal of this spent fuel is a hot topic, and is often an argument against the use of nuclear reactors. Options are deep geologic storage and recycling.

     Nuclear power is really powerful. Nuclear energy generated 797 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2014. Because it is efficient source, human cannot stop using nuclear power even though the side effect of nuclear power is dangerous and risky. Each nuclear energy facility generates about $470 million annually in sales of goods and services in the local community.

     The first nuclear accident that I was able to find is in Chalk River, Canada in 1952. It’s INES level is 5, which is same as Fukushima accident. The nuclear energy industry began making immediate safety improvements as part of a self-assessment of U.S. nuclear facilities within days of the 2011 accident at Fukushima Daiichi. But accident at Chernobyl still has the highest INES level. Once nuclear accident happen, it is hard to recover. Nobody can take control of nuclear accident, so human need to prevent and be careful with nuclear energy.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Environmental Awareness Activity

    Lab Report
      We started our lab in front of the Abbe center. When we started our lab, it was sunny and there was a little wind. To measure the speed and direction of the wind, we observed the branches and leaves. We also dropped the leave and saw the way that leave fall. The speed of wind was 1-4 mph and the direction was 130 degree to southeast.  We didn't really saw clouds on first day, but we saw few clouds on the second day. We measured the slope of the road from dining hall to gym and it was about 118 degrees toward southeast. It seemed to be no problem for the land users. After we measure the slope in front of the crib, we went back side of the crib. We also measured the slope there and we got 155 degrees toward G-building. The wind's speed and direction was same. After we measured the wind and slope there, we went to the parking lot. We found the Buick Century 1995, which is the oldest car in the parking lot. The largest care was GMC Savanna 3500, which is School van. It was obvious that GMC Savanna 3500 pollutes more than Buick Century 1995 because it was way larger. After we are done with lab, we calculated how much rain it will gonna fell over 1 acre of land and it was about 16292.6 gallons. I estimated that about 10 percent of Solebury school is impervious to water. There are a lot of waterway around the campus toward the way to gym. I think the wastes from animals and nature are the factor that affects the water most around the Solebury School.

     Sun rose at 6:54 am and set at 6:46 pm today. The longest day of the year is June 21, which is the summer solstice. The shortest day of the year is Dec 21, which is winter solstice. During equinoxes, day time and night time will be same. Our growing season is from April to November. Around this area, about 40 inches of rain fell in the last year. The animal that is in danger right now in Pennsylvania is least shrew, one of the smallest mammals, which looks like mixture of mole and rat. The longest river that flows through Pennsylvania is Ohio river and it's 1579 km long. I'm not sure where the all the trashes from Solebury school's dorm is going, however, trashes from my home in Korea goes to Seoul Garbage management center. The tallest mountain east of the Mississippi River is Mt.Mitchell. The tallest mountain west of the Mississippi river is Mt.Whitney.   

Monday, September 14, 2015

Geologic time scale activity


Through putting events of earth together into the timeline, I learned the general chronological order of earth's history. Earth was formed around 4.6 billions years ago. All I knew about the Earth's history was formation of earth and when does ice age began. By this activity, I learned new terms such as an Archeon Eon, Proterozoic Eon, and Ordovician Period. All those terms are new to me and made me interested in Earth's History. While I was looking at many events, of course Origin of Earth was the most familiar term to me. For this activity, all we do was putting events in order. However, I wanted to know specific species of animals that lived in the earth at each period because I'm interested in animals and their physical features. 

I compared earth's history as an life of a newborn infant. They are first formed inside of their mother's uterus, I think it can be compared with the event that single cell microorganisms first appeared on the earth. When baby is born and first hair grow up on their head, it can be the time when the first plants appeared on land. When they started to walk, it is the time when the first land vertebrates and the amphibians appeared. When they are able to talk, this is the start of precambrian times. I compared the start of precambrian times as when babies started to talk because it is really important moment when human started to communicate. I condensed the earth's history into few events that I think it is important and compared to formation of baby until they started to talk. The point is to figure out and understand the general flow of earth's history easily.

Early Earth Reflection

Honors Environmental Science
Felix Yoon

Video is basically about the history of Earth. Earth is very special planet because liquid water and oxygen exists. The video shows the relationship of oxygen and formation of life. After the single cell organisms, complex form of life started to appeared about 580,000 years ago. I was also impressed that how earth keep the balance of temperature and carbon level it self. Because the video was about why earth is habitable, characteristics and life forms, I was curious about what can be the risk element of human in 21 th century. Whenever an organisms overcome harsh conditions over the time, they achieved evolution. If severe natural disaster occurred on the earth and only few people survived, what biological evolution that human can achieve?